A weblog about birding, birdwatching, wild birds, raptors, hawk watch, raptor migrations and bird conservation from a birder, nature photographer and naturalist who resides in Veracuz Mexico.

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In November of 2003 I was asked by the magazine Voices of Mexico to write an article along with some of my photos on the Ecology of the Tuxtlas Mountains. I had spent a good many hours birding and photographing in the region but researching for the article gave me an even greater appreciation for the special bioshpere of the Tuxtlas. Of special concern to me was to observe first hand how a tree nest cavity of a parrot was cut open and the nest was robbedThe illegal traffic of parrots from Mexico to the U.S. is a serous problem. Much remains to be done to protect these small remaining fragments in the Tuxtlas. I am grateful to the UNAM for asking me to write on the subject. HERE is the text and photos from the article that I have posted on my website.

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